difetto, taccola, neo, mancanza, manchevolezza |
defect, shortcoming |
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a failing or deficiency |
assenza, mancanza |
absence |
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the state of being absent |
assenza, difetto, insufficienza, modestia, penuria, carenza, scarsità, mancanza, deficienza, carestia, strettezza, pochezza, ristrettezza |
lack, deficiency, want |
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the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable |
defaillance, sdilinquimento, collasso, deliquio, mancanza, svenimento, basimento, sturbo, incoscienza, perdita dei sensi, mancamento, perdita di conoscenza, ottenebramento, obnubilazione, perdita di coscienza |
syncope, faint, swoon, deliquium |
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a spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain |
errore, sbaglio, sgarro, colpa, mancanza, fallo, marrone |
error, mistake, fault |
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a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention |
difetto, debolezza, debole, mancanza, deficienza, lacuna |
weakness, failing |
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a flaw or weak point |