Results for « maksud » (ind)
kasad, keazaman, hajat, ujud, maksud, tujuan, niat
     an act of intending; a volition that you intend to carry out
05919866-n (33)
makna, maksud, erti
meaning, substance
     the idea that is intended
00932636-v (2)
makna, maksud, mendatangkan, menunjukkan, menandakan, memasukkan, mengimpor
spell, import
     indicate or signify
06605897-n (5)
erti maksud, maksud
spirit, intent, purport
     the intended meaning of a communication
05902327-n (4)
rencana, lakaran, motif, pola lukisan, maksud, pola, model, format, rekabentuk, corak, tujuan, reka bentuk, bentukan
design, pattern, blueprint
     something intended as a guide for making something else
05982152-n (103)
matlamat, hajat, sasaran, bidikan, maksud, tujuan, niat, rancangan
purpose, intention, aim, intent, design
     an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions
00023773-n (35)
rangsangan, motif, maksud, motivasi, tujuan, keperluan, niat, dorongan
motive, need, motivation
     the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior
05982915-n (4)
pendapat, fikiran, tanggapan, maksud, hasrat, tujuan, gagasan, idea, ide, cadangan
idea, mind
     your intention; what you intend to do
05920791-n (14)
makna, maksud
significance, implication, import
     a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred
06601327-n (51)
implikasi, makna, maksud, tujuan, erti, arti
meaning, significance, import, signification
     the message that is intended or expressed or signified
drift, purport
     the pervading meaning or tenor
06602472-n (23)
erti maksud, maksud
sense, signified
     the meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted
00931852-v (48)
beragan, bermaksud, bersangka, ertinya, beritikad, bermakna, maksud, lambangkan, bererti, tandakan, menunjukkan, berniat, menandakan, hendak, mengasadkan, erti, timbul pikiran, memaksudkan, bertujuan
mean, signify, stand for, intend
     denote or connote
05981230-n (47)
objektif, matlamat, sasaran, maksud, tujuan
objective, aim, object, target
     the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)
00955148-v (97)
beragan, bermaksud, bersangka, beritikad, bermakna, maksud, berniat, bercadang, hendak, mengasadkan, berarti, timbul pikiran, memaksudkan, bertujuan
mean, intend
     mean or intend to express or convey


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