Results for « limite » (ita)
05159606-n (1)
limite, debolezza, tallone d'achille, punto debole, tallone d'Achille
weak point
     aspetto sotto il quale si è particolarmente vulnerabile
15268857-n (3)
limite, soglia
limit, terminus ad quem, terminal point
     final or latest limiting point
08593130-n (1)
limite, segno, termine
     as far as something can go
08592656-n (3)
limitare, limite, confine, termine, barriera, demarcazione, linea di confine
demarcation, limit, demarcation line
     the boundary of a specific area
05124057-n (24)
limit, bound, boundary
     the greatest possible degree of something
limit, limit point, point of accumulation
     the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity
05097536-n (5)
     a lofty level or position or degree
13903079-n (8)
bordo, limite
edge, boundary, bound
     a line determining the limits of an area
08512259-n (5)
limite, confine, frontiera, barriera
boundary, bounds, bound
     the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something
13758296-n (1)
limite, massimo
limitation, limit
     the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed


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