Results for « lanjutan » (ind)
01211296-a (2)
lanjutan, lanjut, tinggi
     at a higher level in training or knowledge or skill
lanjutan, pelanjutan, sambungan, susulan, kesinambungan
continuation, sequel
     a part added to a book or play that continues and extends it
lanjutan, sambungan, oleh karena itu
subsequence, sequel
     something that follows something else
05044822-n (6)
lanjutan, sambungan, berturut-turut, turutan
succession, sequence, chronological sequence, successiveness, chronological succession
     a following of one thing after another in time
lanjutan, sambungan
continuation, prolongation, protraction, lengthiness
     the consequence of being lengthened in duration
02679415-n (5)
lanjutan, tambahan, campuran, bahan tambahan
addition, add-on, improver
     a component that is added to something to improve it


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