Results for « kuat » (ind)
02275412-a (1)
tegap, kukuh, kuat, teguh
solid, substantial, strong
     of good quality and condition; solidly built
00583581-a (2)
setia, karib, kuat, akrab, teguh
staunch, steadfast, unswerving
     firm and dependable especially in loyalty
01452593-a (50)
lantang, nyaring, keras, bising, kuat, ramai
     characterized by or producing sound of great volume or intensity
02321009-a (58)
bertenaga, kuat
     having strength or power greater than average or expected
05037813-n (9)
kemarahan yang amat sangat, kemarahan yg meledak, keberangan, kuatnya, keganasan, kemarahan yg amat sangat, keradangan, kebuasan, kemarahan yang meledak, kuat, kekerasan, keterlaluan, paksaan, kencang, kehebatan, penganiayaan, keadaan sso yg mengamuk
violence, fury, wildness, ferocity, fierceness, vehemence, furiousness
     the property of being wild or turbulent
02038994-a (11)
tegap, sasa, kuat, gagah
sturdy, hardy, stout, stalwart
     having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships
00842199-a (6)
sasa, keras, kukuh, bagas, kuat, erat, teguh, sali, ulet, kental, terganjal
firm, strong
     strong and sure
01826575-a (10)
perkasa, kuat, gagah
     having or showing great strength or force or intensity
01025913-a (1)
tegap, agam, kuat, pagun, bergas, cegak, pagan, kokoh, tangguh, kaku, bedegap
uncompromising, sturdy, inflexible
     not making concessions
battleship, kapal perang, kapal tempur, kuat
battleship, battlewagon
     large and heavily armoured warship
     on a grand scale
01991586-a (3)
setia, cekal, kuat
stout, stalwart
00836544-a (4)
sukar, susah, jerih, payah, kuat, perih, menjerihkan
hard, arduous, heavy, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome
     characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort
00841403-a (2)
bertenaga, kuat, berkuasa
     characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical)
00570322-a (1)
gigih, tidak dapat ditindas, kuat, tidak dapat dikalahkan
invincible, unbeatable, unvanquishable
     incapable of being overcome or subdued
tegas, bertenaga, kuat, berkuasa, hebat
emphatic, forceful
     forceful and definite in expression or action
otot, kuat, tenaga, kekuatan
muscularity, heftiness, brawn, brawniness, muscle, sinew
     possessing muscular strength
02037708-a (1)
tegap, kuat, tahan lasak, teguh, gagah
     sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction
00086000-r (16)
dengan laju, pantas, dengan cepat, cepat, kuat, rapat, laju, erat, dengan deras, dengan pantas, lekas
     quickly or rapidly
02039845-a (1)
bertenaga, kuat, bersemangat
     strong and active physically or mentally
keras, kuat
hard, strong
     being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content
01171746-a (1)
tegap, kuat, semangat
lusty, hearty, full-blooded, red-blooded
     endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health
01824244-a (1)
keras, kuat, berkuasa
potent, stiff, strong
     having a strong physiological or chemical effect
00069901-r (12)
lantang, kuat, kuat-kuat
loudly, aloud, loud
     with relatively high volume
02526124-a (1)
tidak boleh ditawan, tidak dapat ditawani, kuat, teguh, tidak boleh dicerobohkan, sali, kekebalan untuk menyerang, ulet, gagah
impregnable, inviolable, unassailable, strong, secure, unattackable
     immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
00039318-r (72)
nyata, ketara, kuat, dgn jelas, jelas, terang, terang-terangan, nyata sekali
obviously, evidently, plainly, manifestly, patently, apparently, plain
00707795-a (2)
tegap, kuat, teguh
tough, sturdy
     substantially made or constructed
01509527-a (20)
intens, gigih, terlalu, kuat, hebat, sangat kuat, dahsyat, amat sangat
     possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree
02406370-a (5)
kuat, takut, gemuruh, gentar, gementar, mudah marah, resah, kekok, gelisah
restive, edgy, jumpy, nervy, overstrung, high-strung, highly strung, jittery, uptight
     being in a tense state
01825671-a (18)
perkasa, bertenaga, manjur, kuat, yang berkuasa, besar lengan, berpengaruh, berkuasa tinggi
     having great power or force or potency or effect
05036394-n (12)
dalamnya, kepanasan, kegigihan, keamatan, kehebatan usaha, kuat, kehebatan, kekuatan
intensity, intensiveness, pitch
     high level or degree; the property of being intense
02448437-a (9)
tegas, liat, keras, gigih, kuat, tahan lasak, teguh, ganyar, gayal, kencang, ulet, berat, gagah, derana
     not given to gentleness or sentimentality
00176383-r (23)
banyak, kuat
heavily, to a great extent
     to a considerable degree
01439496-a (3)
abadi, kekal, tahan, kuat, mendalam, tahan lama
durable, lasting, long-lived, long-lasting
     existing for a long time
01456710-a (1)
penuh, kuat
     (of sound) having marked deepness and body
tahan, liat, keras, kuat
     resistant to cutting or chewing


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