Results for « kondisi » (zsm)
06770875-n (6)
kondisi, syarat, ketentuan tertentu, keadaan, syarat-syarat
term, condition
     a statement of what is required as part of an agreement
kondisi, keadaan, keadaan hidup
     the set of circumstances that affect someone's welfare
     an illness, disease, or other medical problem
13920429-n (2)
kondisi, syarat, kedudukan, keadaan, suasana, keadaan hidup
     a mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing
13927383-n (67)
kondisi, situasi, keadaan, suasana
situation, state of affairs
     the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time
13920835-n (73)
kondisi, status, kedudukan, keadaan
condition, status
     a state at a particular time
05822746-n (15)
kondisi, syarat, keadaan, suasana, perkara
consideration, circumstance, condition
     information that should be kept in mind when making a decision
00542120-v (41)
kondisi, posisi
     reach or enter a state, relation, condition, use, or position
06755568-n (12)
ketentuan, kondisi, keadaan
condition, stipulation, precondition
     an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else
14512817-n (12)
kondisi, persekitaran, konteks
circumstance, context, setting
     the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event
kondisi, situasi, keadaan hidup
     the prevailing context that influences the performance or the outcome of a process
14546227-n (1)
keadaan sihat, kondisi, bentuk, kesihatan
shape, condition
     the state of (good) health (especially in the phrases `in condition' or `in shape' or `out of condition' or `out of shape')


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