Results for « kesusahan » (ind)
00623862-n (26)
keadaan sukar, susah, keperitan, kepayahan, kerumitan, gangguan, keberatan, masalah, kesesakan, kerewelan, kesulitan, kesukaran, kesusahan, keruwetan
difficulty, trouble
     an effort that is inconvenient
14475661-n (2)
nasib buruk, kesialan, bencana, kemalangan, kecelakaan, keperitan, nasib malang, kepahitan, keadaan kesusahan, penderitaan, pukulan-keras, kerugian, kesengsaraan, kesukaran, kesusahan, kegetiran
hardship, adversity, hard knocks
     a state of misfortune or affliction
14408646-n (9)
keadaan sulit, keadaan susah, masalah, keadaan gawat, sedih, keadaan parah, kesusahan
plight, predicament, quandary
     a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one
penderitaan batin, bala, penderitaan, percubaan, cubaan, musibah, penderitaan dugaan Tuhan, dugaan, kesengsaraan, kesusahan
visitation, trial, tribulation
     an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event
07524242-n (7)
kegelisahan, keresahan, kekhuatiran, kepayahan, kebimbangan, kerisauan, kesulitan, kesukaran, kesusahan
worry, trouble
     a strong feeling of anxiety
05687338-n (38)
kepayahan, kebimbangan, kerisauan, masalah, kekacauan, kerewelan, kesukaran, kesusahan, persoalan
trouble, problem
     a source of difficulty
kesengsaraan, kesusahan
distress signal, distress call
     an internationally recognized signal sent out by a ship or plane indicating that help is needed
07496463-n (12)
luka hati, penderitaan, kesakitan, sakit, kesusahan
suffering, distress, hurt
     psychological suffering
04709253-n (6)
keperitan, kerumitan, kesulitan, kesukaran, kesusahan
difficulty, difficultness
     the quality of being difficult
14448910-n (11)
kedukaan, kesengsaraan akibat malapetaka, kesedihan, penderitaan, kesakitan, kesusahan
suffering, woe
     misery resulting from affliction
04710127-n (3)
kekasaran, ketegasan, kerasnya, kekejaman, kedahsyatan, keterukan, kebengisan, kesederhanaan, ketatnya, kekerasan, kesusahan
rigor, hardship, severity, severeness, rigour, rigorousness, rigourousness, asperity, grimness
     something hard to endure
14408086-n (11)
kesulitan, kesukaran, kesusahan
     a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome
bencana, kecelakaan, kerugian, kesusahan
     a stroke of ill fortune; a calamitous event
00621627-n (18)
kepayahan, kerja keras, usaha, kesusahan
effort, exertion, elbow grease, travail, sweat
     use of physical or mental energy; hard work
14493716-n (1)
kemiskinan, kemelaratan, kesusahan, miskin
need, pauperization, indigence, penury, pauperism
     a state of extreme poverty or destitution
13933221-n (2)
komplikasi, kerumitan, masalah, kesulitan, kekusutan, kesusahan, keruwetan
     a situation or condition that is complex or confused
00622068-n (1)
bersusah payah, susah, perjuangan, berusaha, pertarungan, kesusahan
     strenuous effort


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