Results for « kesulitan » (ind)
14408086-n (11)
kesulitan, kesukaran, kesusahan
     a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome
pengetatan, pengeratan, pengencangan, kesulitan
stringency, tightness
     a state occasioned by scarcity of money and a shortage of credit
     a difficult or awkward situation
04709253-n (6)
keperitan, kerumitan, kesulitan, kesukaran, kesusahan
difficulty, difficultness
     the quality of being difficult
04711435-n (2)
kesulitan, kesukaran
inconvenience, worriment, troublesomeness
     a difficulty that causes anxiety
14446878-n (1)
ketidaknyamanan, kesulitan, ketidakmudahan
inconvenience, incommodiousness
     an inconvenient discomfort
04766275-n (10)
majmuk, kerumitan, kesulitan
complexity, complexness
     the quality of being intricate and compounded
04712001-n (1)
fly in the ointment
     an inconvenience that detracts from the usefulness of something
05686955-n (13)
masalah, kesulitan, kesukaran
     a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result
00623862-n (26)
keadaan sukar, susah, keperitan, kepayahan, kerumitan, gangguan, keberatan, masalah, kesesakan, kerewelan, kesulitan, kesukaran, kesusahan, keruwetan
difficulty, trouble
     an effort that is inconvenient
00555138-n (6)
kerumunan, kesibukan, bergerak, keriuhan, kekecohan, kehibukan, berhimpitan, keributan, asakan, randu, kegemparan, kekacauan, kecoh, kesulitan
flurry, bustle, ado, hustle, fuss, stir
     a rapid active commotion
13933221-n (2)
komplikasi, kerumitan, masalah, kesulitan, kekusutan, kesusahan, keruwetan
     a situation or condition that is complex or confused
komplikasi, kerumitan, masalah, kesulitan, kesukaran, kekusutan
complication, complicatedness, knottiness, tortuousness
     puzzling complexity
07524242-n (7)
kegelisahan, keresahan, kekhuatiran, kepayahan, kebimbangan, kerisauan, kesulitan, kesukaran, kesusahan
worry, trouble
     a strong feeling of anxiety


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