Results for « kes » (zsm)
01182654-n (24)
kes, tuntutan mahkamah
case, suit, cause, lawsuit, causa
     [in law] a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy
07308889-n (90)
hal, kes, keadaan, kejadian
case, instance, example
     an occurrence of something
06784966-n (3)
hal, kes, urusan, perkara
case, question
     a problem requiring investigation
09898892-n (5)
kes, perkara
     a person requiring professional services
05671325-n (90)
zat, hal, kes, urusan, soal, jirim, hal-ehwal, perkara
matter, thing, affair
     a vaguely specified concern
13943400-n (45)
hal, kes, peristiwa, perkara, kejadian
case, event
     a special set of circumstances
06649426-n (3)
kes, perkara, argumen
     a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument
06310945-n (1)
kes, kasus, perkara, kasus tatabahasa
case, grammatical case
     nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence
10668666-n (5)
kes, bahan eksperimen
case, subject, guinea pig
     a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation
05817743-n (11)
hal, kes, keadaan, perkara
     the actual state of things
09909060-n (11)
akhlak, kes, pelaku, sifat, bintang filem, tokoh, jenis, pelik, cara, jaguh, eksentrik, orang lelaki, hero, aneh laku, perkara, karakter
type, character, case, eccentric
     a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities)


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