Results for « kemampuan » (ind)
05650329-n (4)
fakulti, sifat bawaan, kemampuan, kebolehan
faculty, module, mental faculty
     one of the inherent cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind
05623181-n (2)
kemampuan, kebolehan, keupayaan
potentiality, capability, capableness
     an aptitude that may be developed
14530836-n (9)
kesanggupan, kapabilitas, had muatan, isian, kapasiti, kapasitas, kemampuan, keteralamatan, kebolehan, muatan, keupayaan
capacity, capability
     the susceptibility of something to a particular treatment
05153520-n (7)
kecekapan, kompeten, kemampuan, kelayakan
competence, competency
     the quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually
05637965-n (3)
kemampuan, tangan
05154114-n (1)
kecekapan, kemampuan, mahir, kemahiran
     the quality of having great facility and competence
11433546-n (1)
had muatan, isian, kapasiti, kapasitas listrik, kemampuan, keteralamatan, muatan
capacitance, capacity, electrical capacity
     an electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored
13779374-n (8)
had muatan, isian, isi kandungan, kandungan, kapasiti, kapasitas, kemampuan, keteralamatan, muatan
capacity, content
     the amount that can be contained
00720951-n (1)
had muatan, isian, tugas, kapasiti, kemampuan, keteralamatan, muatan
     a specified function
kesanggupan, had muatan, isian, kapasiti, kemampuan, keteralamatan, muatan
capacity, mental ability
     the power to learn or retain knowledge; in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior
05125377-n (65)
lingkungan pengaruh, kawasan, kemampuan, skop, jangka
range, scope, reach, compass, orbit, ambit
     an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control:
05623628-n (1)
lingkungan, jangkauan, pengetahuan, kemampuan, pemahaman, tiba, pengertian
reach, grasp, compass, range
     the limit of capability
13356774-n (2)
wang, kemampuan
     a supply of money
05203397-n (15)
kesanggupan, had muatan, isian, kapasiti, kemampuan, keteralamatan, muatan
     capability to perform or produce
05616246-n (22)
kuasa, kemampuan, kebolehan, daya upaya, keupayaan
power, ability
     possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done
05202497-n (8)
kemampuan, kebolehan, keupayaan
capability, capableness
     the quality of being capable -- physically or intellectually or legally


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