Results for « keji » (ind)
     having decayed or disintegrated; usually implies foulness
01626562-a (4)
menakutkan, keji, mengejutkan, aneh, dahsyat, terkutuk
hideous, outrageous, horrific, horrid
     grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror
08511777-n (2)
pangkal, durjana, landasan, pangkalan, keji, alas, terkutuk, asas, dasar, hina
     [in anatomy] the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment
kotor, keji, mengerikan, rendah, buruk sekali, sangat dibenci, jahat sekali, hina, nakal benar
accursed, accurst, maledict
     under a curse
kotor, cabul, keji, lucah
foul, smutty, filthy, nasty, cruddy
     characterized by obscenity
00620731-a (3)
berintegritas rendah, selingkuh, keji, korup
     lacking in integrity
01133017-a (1)
keji, jelik, hina
vile, ugly, wretched, despicable, slimy, unworthy, worthless
     morally reprehensible
00193480-a (9)
kotor, sangat kejam, buruk, menyeramkan, menakutkan, bengis, menggerunkan, kejam, keji, mengerikan, rendah, teruk, buruk sekali, sangat buruk, dahsyat, sangat dibenci, jahat sekali, ngeri, hina, nakal benar
frightful, horrible, horrifying, atrocious, ugly
     provoking horror
02036077-a (2)
durjana, keji, terkutuk
immoral, base
     not adhering to ethical or moral principles
01587474-a (1)
keji, hina
dirty, filthy, lousy
     vile; despicable
02079507-a (3)
jahat, keji, mengerikan, tajam, pedas
grim, black, mordant
     harshly ironic or sinister
02515001-a (1)
jahat, buruk, keji, sangat jahat
villainous, nefarious
     extremely wicked
00904745-a (8)
keji, rendah, murahan, terkutuk, hina
low, abject, miserable, low-down, scummy, scurvy
     of the most contemptible kind
keji, hina
     showing humiliation or submissiveness
01951008-a (6)
keji, murahan
     unrefined in character
01589650-a (3)
durjana, keji, orang bawahan, terkutuk
mean, meanspirited, base
     having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality
00904548-a (1)
jahat, jendala, leta, keji, rendahan, bersifat keji, hina
     deserving of contempt or scorn
02560035-a (1)
memuakkan, keji, memualkan, dahsyat, menjijikkan
loathsome, offensive, noisome, vile, queasy, nauseous, nauseating, sickening
     causing or able to cause nausea
01131935-a (8)
jahat, menakutkan, hitam, keji, mencurigakan, gelap
dark, black, sinister
     stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable
00195684-a (12)
kotor, buruk, menakutkan, menggerunkan, keji, mengerikan, rendah, teruk, buruk sekali, dahsyat, sangat dibenci, jahat sekali, seram, ngeri, hina, nakal benar
grim, ghastly, gruesome, macabre, grisly, sick
     shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
01625893-a (3)
jijik, keji, busuk, menjijikkan
foul, disgusting, loathsome, repellent, wicked, disgustful, distasteful, loathly, repellant, repelling, revolting, skanky, yucky
     highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust


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