Results for « keharmonian » (zsm)
keharmonian, kerukunan, kesesuaian
Lexington, Concord, Lexington and Concord
     the first battle of the American Revolution (April 19, 1775)
13969243-n (1)
keharmonian, kerukunan, persetujuan, kelunakan, keserasian, kesesuaian, kemerduan, keselarasan, harmoni, persefahaman, harmonis, kesejajaran, kesepadanan
harmony, concordance, concord
     a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); congruity of parts with one another and with the whole
14460565-n (22)
keharmonian, perpaduan, keutuhan, kepaduan
unity, integrity, wholeness
     an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting
keharmonian, imbalan, perkadaran, ketenangan, mengimbangi diri, pengimbangan, keseimbangan, imbang, pengimbalan, kestabilan, mengimbangkan, imbangan
balance, counterbalance, equilibrium, equipoise
     equality of distribution
07027180-n (3)
keharmonian, kemerduan, harmoni
harmony, musical harmony
     the structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords
keharmonian, kerukunan, kesesuaian, keselarasan
harmony, concordance, concord
     agreement of opinions
02700104-v (23)
berharmoni, keharmonian, padan, berkenan, bersepadan, bersetuju, menyelaraskan, selaras, melaraskan, sama, sekata, secocok, pergi bersama, sesuai, mengharmonikan
accord, fit in, agree, harmonize, harmonise, concord, consort
     go together
keharmonian, kerukunan, kesesuaian, keselarasan, kesepadanan
     corresponding exactly
keharmonian, kelunakan, kemerduan, harmoni
     an agreeable sound property
09111754-n (1)
keharmonian, kerukunan, Concord, kesesuaian, ibukota New Hampshire
Concord, capital of New Hampshire
     capital of the state of New Hampshire; located in south central New Hampshire on the Merrimack river


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