keharmonian, kerukunan, kesesuaian |
Lexington, Concord, Lexington and Concord |
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the first battle of the American Revolution (April 19, 1775) |
keharmonian, kerukunan, persetujuan, kelunakan, keserasian, kesesuaian, kemerduan, keselarasan, harmoni, persefahaman, harmonis, kesejajaran, kesepadanan |
harmony, concordance, concord |
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a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); congruity of parts with one another and with the whole |
keharmonian, perpaduan, keutuhan, kepaduan |
unity, integrity, wholeness |
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an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting |
keharmonian, imbalan, perkadaran, ketenangan, mengimbangi diri, pengimbangan, keseimbangan, imbang, pengimbalan, kestabilan, mengimbangkan, imbangan |
balance, counterbalance, equilibrium, equipoise |
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equality of distribution |
keharmonian, kemerduan, harmoni |
harmony, musical harmony |
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the structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords |
keharmonian, kerukunan, kesesuaian, keselarasan |
harmony, concordance, concord |
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agreement of opinions |
V1 |
berharmoni, keharmonian, padan, berkenan, bersepadan, bersetuju, menyelaraskan, selaras, melaraskan, sama, sekata, secocok, pergi bersama, sesuai, mengharmonikan |
accord, fit in, agree, harmonize, harmonise, concord, consort |
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go together |
keharmonian, kerukunan, kesesuaian, keselarasan, kesepadanan |
unison |
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corresponding exactly |
keharmonian, kelunakan, kemerduan, harmoni |
harmony |
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an agreeable sound property |
keharmonian, kerukunan, Concord, kesesuaian, ibukota New Hampshire |
Concord, capital of New Hampshire |
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capital of the state of New Hampshire; located in south central New Hampshire on the Merrimack river |