Results for « kediaman » (zsm)
03719053-n (2)
kediaman yg mewah, kediaman yang mewah, rumah agam, rumah, tempat tinggal, rumah besar, kediaman, aula
residence, manse, hall, mansion, mansion house
     a large and imposing house
masyarakat, tempat tinggal, komuniti, kediaman
community, residential district, residential area
     a district where people live; occupied primarily by private residences
04191595-n (56)
perlindungan, naungan, tempat berlindung, kediaman, tempat perlindungan
     a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger
04191943-n (3)
perlindungan, naungan, tempat berteduh, kediaman
     protective covering that provides protection from the weather
08558963-n (12)
tempat kediaman, kedudukan, kediaman yg mewah, kediaman yang mewah, rumah, tempat tinggal, kediaman
residence, abode
     any address at which you dwell more than temporarily
03259505-n (61)
tempat kediaman, rumah, tempat tinggal, domisil, kediaman
home, dwelling, abode, dwelling house, habitation, domicile
     housing that someone is living in
04079244-n (2)
kediaman yg mewah, kediaman yang mewah, rumah, tempat tinggal, kediaman
     the official house or establishment of an important person (as a sovereign or president)
03109795-a (5)
menetap, tempat tinggal, kediaman
     of or relating to or connected with residence
rumah ladang, kediaman
     dwelling that is usually a farmhouse and adjoining land
00485044-a (13)
perumahan, pemukiman, kediaman
     used or designed for residence or limited to residences


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