Results for « kaya » (zsm)
02024143-a (5)
cogah, makmur, gani, rani, kaya, berada
     having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources)
01111965-a (2)
melimpahi, mewah, kaya, suka memberikan
lavish, unsparing, munificent, overgenerous, too-generous, unstinted, unstinting
     very generous
14705287-n (6)
pasta, pes, kaya, terasi
     any mixture of a soft and malleable consistency
02021905-a (17)
berharta, berpunya, sugih, banyak harta, kaya, banyak wang, berwang, berada
     possessing material wealth
pekat, diperkaya, kaya
rich, racy, robust, full-bodied
     marked by richness and fullness of flavor
02022556-a (2)
maju, berjaya, berharta, makmur, hidup selesa, mudah, yang berada, mewah, senang, yg berada, kaya, berada
prosperous, easy, comfortable, well-off, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-situated, well-to-do
     in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich
05116128-n (5)
kekayaan, kaya, harta kekayaan
     the quality of profuse abundance
00013887-a (1)
lacak, limpah, melacak, serba banyak, amat banyak, murah, banyak, kaya, berlimpahan
     present in great quantity
02022167-a (3)
berharta, berduit, mewah, kaya, berwang
wealthy, loaded, flush, affluent, moneyed, rich
     having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
13353280-n (1)
kemewahan, kekayaan, kaya
wealth, riches
     an abundance of material possessions and resources


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