Results for « karakter » (zsm)
sifat, karakter
     [in genetics] an attribute (structural or functional) that is determined by a gene or group of genes
09909060-n (11)
akhlak, kes, pelaku, sifat, bintang filem, tokoh, jenis, pelik, cara, jaguh, eksentrik, orang lelaki, hero, aneh laku, perkara, karakter
type, character, case, eccentric
     a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities)
aksara, huruf, karakter
character, grapheme, graphic symbol
     a written symbol that is used to represent speech
05849284-n (24)
sifat, fon aksara, ciri, aksara, jenis fon, pendirian, watak, keperibadian, sifat khas, peribadi, huruf, digit, karakter, kualiti, ciri-ciri
character, quality, lineament
     a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something
09587565-n (16)
watak, karakter
character, fictional character, fictitious character
     an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story)


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