Results for « jangkaan » (zsm)
05944958-n (13)
jangkaan, prospek, harapan
outlook, expectation, prospect
     belief about (or mental picture of) the future
06748969-n (1)
jangkaan, peramalan, telahan, tenungan, ramalan
forecasting, prediction, prognostication, foretelling
     a statement made about the future
06749881-n (1)
jangkaan, ramalan, tekaan, dugaan
forecast, prognosis
     a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop
05893356-n (4)
jangkaan, andaian, anggapan
presumption, given, precondition
     an assumption that is taken for granted
14486122-n (4)
jangkaan, harapan
expectation, anticipation
     anticipating with confidence of fulfillment
jangkaan, harapan
     the feeling that something is about to happen
07511080-n (5)
jangkaan, penuh harapan, mengharapkan
anticipation, expectancy
     an expectation


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