Results for « hujung » (ind)
08663156-n (9)
pucuk, hujung, tip
     the extreme end of something; especially something pointed
08565894-n (2)
had, penamat, akhir, akhir hayat, hujung, selesai, ujung, kematian, penghujung
     a boundary marking the extremities of something
hujung, ekor
tail, tail assembly, empennage
     the rear part of an aircraft
03974215-n (1)
hujung, mata
     sharp end
penutupan, penamat, penghabisan, keakhiran, hujung, kesimpulan, penutup, penyudahan
conclusion, ending, close, closing, end
     the last section of a communication
08677801-n (3)
puncak, hujung, puncak gunung, kemuncak, mercu, tertinggi
apex, peak, vertex, acme
     the highest point (of something)
08511570-n (8)
     the lower part of anything
08566884-n (1)
     one of two places from which people are communicating to each other
point, pointedness
     the property of a shape that tapers to a sharp tip
08566028-n (35)
akhir, akhir hayat, hujung, selesai, ujung, kematian
end, terminal
     either extremity of something that has length
15266911-n (31)
kesudahan, akhir, akhir hayat, hujung, tamatkan, kematian, tamat, penghujung
end, ending
     the point in time at which something ends
08566707-n (5)
akhir, hujung, selesai
     the surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object
13918274-n (1)
hujung, ekor
tail, tail end
     any projection that resembles the tail of an animal
05868477-n (13)
akhir, akhir hayat, hujung, selesai, kematian
     a final part or section
08684769-n (1)
puncak, zenit, hujung, zenith, rembang
     the point above the observer that is directly opposite the nadir on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected
08617963-n (13)
puncak, hujung, puncak gunung, kemuncak, mercu
top, crest, peak, crown, tip, summit
     the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)
13902482-n (3)
puncak, permatang, hujung, puncak gunung, kemuncak
point, peak, tip
     a V shape
07291312-n (1)
penutupan, berakhir, bahagian akhir, hujung, kesimpulan, selesai, kematian, tamat, menamatkan, khatam, penyudahan
conclusion, ending, finish
     event whose occurrence ends something
04316646-n (2)
buritan, hujung, suku, ekor
stern, quarter, tail, after part, poop
     the rear part of a ship


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