Results for « hala » (ind)
06197215-n (14)
arah, hala, tujuan, haluan
     a general course along which something has a tendency to develop
08679972-n (75)
jurusan, arah, hala, pengkhususan, haluan, jalan
way, direction
     a line leading to a place or point
08681777-n (18)
arah aliran, cenderung, hala, kecenderungan, aliran, trend
trend, tendency
     a general direction in which something tends to move
00815320-n (2)
arah, hala, panduan, tugas mengarahkan, haluan
guidance, direction, steering
     the act of setting and holding a course
02066939-v (19)
membesut, bercucuran, berlinang, membuyarkan, hala, hidup, buyar, memasang, mengalir, tersalur, mengaliri, alir, arus, menggerabak, hanyut, berhamburan, mengalir terus
flow, run, feed, course
     move along, of liquids
13827426-n (17)
arah, hala, haluan
     the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves


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