Results for « hal » (ind)
07308889-n (90)
hal, keadaan, contoh, kes, kejadian
case, instance, example
     an occurrence of something
hal, matlamat, subjek, hal orang, tujuan, warganegara, perkara
     [in logic] the first term of a proposition
06635509-n (34)
hal, subjek, isi, perkara, bahan
     information (data or ideas or observations) that can be used or reworked into a finished form
13943968-n (72)
hal, barang, suatu situasi spesial, benda, keadaan, sesuatu perkara, sst perkara
     a special situation
06482401-n (33)
hal, urusan, butir, acara, perkara
item, point
     a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list
05671325-n (90)
zat, hal, urusan, jirim, hal-ehwal, kes, perkara, soal
matter, thing, affair
     a vaguely specified concern
05817743-n (11)
hal, keadaan, kes, perkara
     the actual state of things
13943400-n (45)
hal, peristiwa, kes, perkara, kejadian
case, event
     a special set of circumstances
01182654-n (24)
hal, sebab, kes, guaman
case, suit, cause, lawsuit, causa
     [in law] a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy
05814650-n (23)
hal, isu, soal, persoalan
     an important question that is in dispute and must be settled
05814291-n (45)
zat, hal, tajuk, urusan, matlamat, subjek, hal orang, jirim, topik, tujuan, warganegara, perkara
matter, subject, issue, topic
     some situation or event that is thought about
05820170-n (19)
hal, pertimbangan, rasa hormat, penghargaan, perhatian, hubungan, menghormat, berhubungan
respect, regard
     a detail or point
06599788-n (34)
hal, judul, tajuk, subjek, topik, tema, perkara
subject, theme, topic
     the subject matter of a conversation or discussion
00034479-n (52)
hal, barang, benda, sesuatu perkara, tindakan, perkara, yang demikian, sst perkara
     an action
06784966-n (3)
hal, urusan, kasus, perkara
case, question
     a problem requiring investigation
06309931-n (4)
hal, matlamat, subjek, hal orang, tujuan, warganegara, perkara
     [in grammar] one of the two main constituents of a sentence; the grammatical constituent about which something is predicated
05855004-n (36)
hal, barang, benda, sesuatu perkara, perkara, sst perkara
     a special abstraction


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