Results for « had » (zsm)
13758296-n (1)
had, had batas, batasan
limitation, limit
     the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed
05162455-n (3)
had, pengehadan, sempadan, batasan, sekatan
     the quality of being limited or restricted
05846355-n (8)
had, batasan, batas, sekatan
restriction, limitation
     a principle that limits the extent of something
06657646-n (2)
had, had maksimum, kopiah, siling
ceiling, cap, roof
     an upper limit on what is allowed
had, penghalang, hambatan, kendala, batasan, kekangan, sekatan
restraint, constraint
     a device that retards something's motion
01145359-n (5)
had, tahan, batasan, sekatan
     the act of controlling by restraining someone or something
had, tindakan menyekat, batasan, tindakan menumpaskan, sekatan, penyekatan
suppression, crushing, quelling, stifling
     forceful prevention; putting down by power or authority
07328305-n (2)
had, faktor, parameter, unsur
     any factor that defines a system and determines (or limits) its performance
05124057-n (24)
had, sempadan, takat, had batas, batas
limit, bound, boundary
     the greatest possible degree of something
had, batasan, sekatan
     a rule or condition that limits freedom
08565894-n (2)
had, takat, penamat, akhir, akhir hayat, hujung, selesai, ujung, kematian, penghujung
     a boundary marking the extremities of something
00808182-n (1)
had, pengehadan, sempadan, halangan, batasan, batas, sekatan, pembatasan
restriction, limitation
     an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation)
08628921-n (16)
had, jarak lempar, jarak tembak, julat, tiba
range, reach
     the limits within which something can be effective
15224486-n (8)
jangka masa, had, tempoh, selama, masa, istilah, tarikh pembayaran sewa
     a limited period of time
had, halangan, batasan, sekatan, pembatasan
restriction, confinement
     the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary)


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