Results for « gigih » (ind)
02448437-a (9)
tegas, liat, keras, gigih, kuat, tahan lasak, teguh, ganyar, gayal, kencang, ulet, berat, gagah, derana
     not given to gentleness or sentimentality
01509527-a (20)
intens, gigih, terlalu, kuat, hebat, sangat kuat, dahsyat, amat sangat
     possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree
00350461-v (15)
berkeras, kanjang, cekal, tekun, tabah, gigih, bersungguh-sungguh, berpegang, teguh, bertahan, bertekun
persist, hang on, hold on, persevere, hang in
     be persistent, refuse to stop
02326695-a (5)
tegar, tak mahu mengalah, berkeras, keras hati, bengal, binal, ungkal, gurat batu, bedegong, tebal telinga, dakar, gigih, bersifat degil, dablek, tegar tengkuk, tegar hati, teguk, babil, tekak, nekad, bandel, kepala batu, degil, keras kepala
stubborn, unregenerate, obstinate
     tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield
00874920-a (2)
gigih, rajin
tireless, indefatigable, unflagging, unwearying
     showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality
02118840-a (2)
gigih, sungguh-sungguh
earnest, sincere, solemn
     characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions
00014201-v (9)
gelugut, menggigis, menggigil, gelitar, tergigil, menggeritik, geligis, ligih, terkokol-kokol, meligih, menggeligis, gigil, gigih, gemelugut, bergidik, menggecarkan, menggemeletek, menggeletar, gerunyut, mengogoh, geletar
shudder, shiver
     shake, as from cold
00570322-a (1)
gigih, tidak dapat ditindas, kuat, tidak dapat dikalahkan
invincible, unbeatable, unvanquishable
     incapable of being overcome or subdued


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