V1 |
concludersi, smettere, sboccare, sbucare, terminare, andare, finire, concludere, morire |
end, finish, cease, terminate, stop |
| |
avere una fine e confluire in qualcos'altro
V1 |
decedere, spirare, crepare, andare, finire, mancare, trapassare, morire, andarsene, tirare le cuoia, andare al Creatore, schiantare, dipartirsi, passare a miglior vita, andare in cielo, andare all'altro mondo |
die, perish, pass away, expire, go, drop dead, croak, choke, conk, pass, decease, exit, kick the bucket, cash in one's chips, buy the farm, give-up the ghost, pop off, snuff it, shuffle off one's mortal coil, join the choir invisible, pushing up daisies, meet one's maker, meet one's fate |
| |
cessare di vivere
V2 |
finire |
finish, wind up, end up, finish up, land up, fetch up |
| |
finally be or do something |
V2 |
dare una stesura definitiva a, finire, completare |
settle, finalize, finalise, nail down |
| |
make final; put the last touches on; put into final form |
V1, V2 |
terminare, finire, concludere, completare |
complete, finish |
| |
come or bring to a finish or an end |
V2 |
finire, adempiere, sbrigare |
get through, clear up, finish up, polish off, wrap up, finish off, mop up |
| |
finish a task completely |
V2 |
| |
cause to finish a relationship with somebody |
V2 |
fermarsi, smettere, abbandonare, interrompere, finire, cessare |
stop, cease, quit, discontinue, give up, lay off |
| |
put an end to a state or an activity |
V2 |
troncare, interrompere, finire, sospendere |
break, stop, break off, discontinue |
| |
prevent completion |
V2 |
concludersi, smettere, portare a termine, terminare, chiudere, estinguere, finire, concludere, porre termine, porre fine |
end, terminate |
| |
bring to an end or halt |
V2 |
esaurire, finire, smaltire, consumare |
exhaust, use up, wipe out, eat up, run through, eat, consume, deplete |
| |
use up (resources or materials) |