Results for « elak » (zsm)
00811375-v (24)
menjauhkan diri, menolak, menyingkirkan, elak, mengelak daripada, hindarkan, elakkan, mengelakkan, mengelak, menghindarkan diri, menghindarkan, menyingkir, mengelak drpd, menghindar, jauh dari
     stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something
00810557-v (8)
elak, rindu, ketinggalan, lolos, merindukan
escape, miss
     fail to experience
02075049-v (52)
elak, hidup, kabur, bolos, mengalir, memasang, lari, beredar, lolos, pergi
run, run away, lam, escape, break away, scat, scarper, turn tail, hightail it, bunk, head for the hills, take to the woods, fly the coop
     flee; take to one's heels; cut and run
02453321-v (33)
menjauhkan diri, menolak, membelokkan, menyingkirkan, elak, menjauhi, menghalangi, mengelak daripada, elakkan, mengelakkan, mengelak, mencegah, menangkis, menghindarkan
avoid, avert, head off, stave off, debar, ward off, deflect, forefend, forfend, obviate, fend off, save
     prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening; to protect from or to keep away anything undesirable; to ward off
00173283-n (1)
elak, jalan keluar
     a means or way of escaping


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