Results for « durjana » (zsm)
02513740-a (2)
jahat, buruk, durjana, zalim
     morally bad in principle or practice
01589650-a (3)
durjana, keji, orang bawahan, terkutuk
mean, meanspirited, base
     having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality
merugikan, memudaratkan, merosakkan, durjana, mendatangkan keburukan, mudarat, menjejaskan, berbahaya, memudaratkan kesihatan, membahayakan
     causing or capable of causing harm
01131043-a (9)
jahat, durjana, malang, batil, kejahatan, zalim
     morally bad or wrong
02036077-a (2)
durjana, keji, terkutuk
immoral, base
     not adhering to ethical or moral principles
09886220-n (1)
kasar, kurang ajar, bandit, keparat, durjana, penjahat, bangsat n
hound, dog, heel, bounder, cad, blackguard
     someone who is morally reprehensible
08511777-n (2)
pangkal, durjana, landasan, pangkalan, keji, alas, terkutuk, asas, dasar, hina
     [in anatomy] the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment


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