Results for « direction » (eng)
13827426-n (17)
direction      the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves
06650701-n (17)
guidance, direction, counseling, counsel, counselling      something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action
01133281-n (22)
management, direction      the act of managing something
06197215-n (14)
direction      a general course along which something has a tendency to develop
charge, commission, direction      a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something
08679972-n (75)
way, direction      a line leading to a place or point
00815320-n (2)
guidance, direction, steering      the act of setting and holding a course
05704694-n (8)
focus, centering, focusing, direction, focussing, focal point      the concentration of attention or energy on something
06786629-n (13)
instruction, direction      a message describing how something is to be done


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