Results for « di tengah-tengah » (ind)
kebaikan hati, di tengah-tengah, jantung, hati
     a firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal)
     in a medial position
00329831-a (7)
sentral, di tengah-tengah, pusat, tengah
     in or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area
04857490-n (14)
kebaikan hati, di tengah-tengah, berani, keberanian, jantung, hati, ketangkasan, kehandalan
heart, nerve, mettle, spunk
     the courage to carry on
02994858-n (1)
ibusawat telefon, di tengah-tengah, pusat
exchange, central, telephone exchange
     a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication
05921123-n (12)
isirong, intipati, kebaikan hati, di tengah-tengah, inti sari, pusat, inti, benda, jantung, isi, hati, pati, intisari, teras, sari, pokok, dasar, bahan, tulang sumsum
center, substance, core, heart, essence, sum, centre, inwardness, marrow, kernel, gist, heart and soul, meat, nub, pith, nitty-gritty
     the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
di tengah-tengah
     the purest and most concentrated essence of something
00498387-r (1)
di antara, ditengah-tengah
between, betwixt
     in the interval
08524262-n (4)
pusat suatu obyek, di tengah-tengah, teras, tengah
     the center of an object
01277097-a (32)
di tengah-tengah, pusat, penting, terutama, pokok, asas, dasar, utama
central, fundamental, key, cardinal, primal
     serving as an essential component
04624826-n (3)
kebaikan hati, di tengah-tengah, jantung, hati, semangat
spirit, heart
     an inclination or tendency of a certain kind


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