deret, barisan, baris, lapisan, deretan |
row, course |
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a layer of masonry |
talian paip, saluran, paip, barisan, deretan |
line, pipeline |
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a pipe used to transport liquids or gases |
talian, garis lurus, rangka, jalur, barisan, garisan, garis, baris, tali, ampaian, dawai, deretan, bentuk |
line |
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something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible |
talian, kabel, kawat, talian penghantaran, barisan, telegram, deretan |
line, cable, transmission line |
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a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power |
talian, garis lurus, rangka, jalur, barisan, garisan, garis, baris, tali, dawai, nirai, deretan, bentuk |
line |
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a formation of people or things one beside another |
kafilah, barisan, deretan |
caravan, train, wagon train |
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a procession (of wagons or mules or camels) traveling together in single file |
barisan, sederetan, deretan |
row |
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an arrangement of objects or people side by side in a line |
talian, garis lurus, asal-usul, rangka, jalur, barisan pertahanan, barisan, garisan, garis, baris, tali, dawai, garis keturunan, deretan, bentuk, leluhur |
line |
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[in military] a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops) |
barisan, baris, deretan |
row |
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a long continuous strip (usually running horizontally) |
talian, garis lurus, sempadan, asal-usul, rangka, jalur, barisan, garisan, garis, baris, tali, dawai, garis keturunan, deretan, paras, bentuk, leluhur |
line |
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a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent |
deretan, blok |
block, city block |
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a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings |
berderet, barisan, deretan |
line |
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a formation of people or things one behind another |
barisan, jalan, lorong, deretan |
lane |
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a well-defined track or path; for e.g. swimmers or lines of traffic |
talian, garis lurus, rangka, jalur, barisan, garisan, garis, baris, tali, dawai, deretan, bentuk, keluaran |
line, line of business, product line, line of products, line of merchandise, business line |
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a particular kind of product or merchandise |