Results for « contoh » (ind)
06880533-n (3)
penjelasan, ilustrasi, gambaran, contoh, penerangan
illustration, exemplification
     showing by example
10324851-n (1)
lambang, teladan, contoh, yang menjadi model, yg menjadi model,teladan,contoh
model, role model
     someone worthy of imitation
contoh khas, model, contoh
     all or part of a natural object that is collected and preserved as an example of its class
05821775-n (48)
contoh khas, sampel, contoh
     a small part of something intended as representative of the whole
05925366-n (10)
peragawan, lambang, teladan, contoh, yang menjadi model, yg menjadi model,teladan,contoh
example, model, exemplar, good example
     something to be imitated
05937112-n (14)
gaya, peragawan, lambang, teladan, model, peragawati, contoh, yang menjadi model, yg menjadi model,teladan,contoh, replika, andai
example, model
     a representative form or pattern
01195299-v (12)
cuba, mencoba, jamah, mencuba, mencicip, mengikhtiarkan, meninjau, menjamah, rasakan, berusaha, coba, sampel, rasa, menjajal, berikhtiar, contoh, cobalah, mengenyam, mencicipi, mencobakan, merasa, menguji
sample, taste, try, try out
     take a sample of
05266879-n (3)
contoh, spesimen
     a bit of tissue or blood or urine that is taken for diagnostic purposes
05938795-n (1)
teladan, corak, contoh, bentukan
     a model considered worthy of imitation
05820620-n (50)
misal, contoh, andai, kejadian
example, instance, illustration, representative
     an item of information that is typical of a class or group
07308889-n (90)
hal, keadaan, contoh, kes, kejadian
case, instance, example
     an occurrence of something
05667613-n (28)
peraturan, adat kebiasaan, adat, sampel, contoh, petua, kelaziman, resam, normal
rule, pattern, convention, formula, normal
     something regarded as a normative example
04677716-n (9)
bayangan, persona, imej, bayang-bayang, contoh
image, persona
     [in psychology] a personal facade that one presents to the world
teladan, contoh
     effort to equal or surpass another
05840188-n (136)
kumpulan, genre, jenis, contoh, golongan
     a subdivision of a particular kind of thing
05822239-n (5)
contoh, spesimen
     an example regarded as typical of its class
05845652-n (11)
peragawan, lambang, teladan, model, peragawati, contoh, yang menjadi model, yg menjadi model,teladan,contoh, replika
     a type of product
06672752-n (6)
teladan, model, ajaran, contoh, pengajaran, peringatan
lesson, example, deterrent example, object lesson
     punishment intended as a warning to others
teladan, contoh
     ambition to equal or excel


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