Results for « chiusura » (ita)
15266911-n (31)
chiusa, finale, chiusura, fine
end, ending
     the point in time at which something ends
00344040-n (2)
closing, shutting
     the act of closing something
00229260-n (5)
shutdown, closing, closure, closedown
     termination of operations
07291312-n (1)
finale, conclusione, chiusura, fine
conclusion, ending, finish
     event whose occurrence ends something
00281462-n (1)
closure, closing
     approaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap
00209943-n (2)
termine, conclusione, chiusura, cessazione, fine
conclusion, ending, termination
     the act of ending something
15267536-n (13)
termine, finale, epilogo, chiusura, fine
close, last, conclusion, stopping point, finish, finale, finis
     the temporal end; the concluding time
chiusura, legamento
fastening, fixing, fastener, holdfast
     restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place
chiusa, conclusione, chiusura
conclusion, ending, close, closing, end
     the last section of a communication
05868477-n (13)
chiusa, termine, coda, conclusione, chiusura, fondo, fine, terminazione
     parte finale di qualcosa
03682487-n (6)
lucchetto, chiusura, chiavistello, serratura
     a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed


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