Results for « chiusa » (ita)
cateratta, chiusa, paratoia, ventola, chiavica, cataratta
head gate, penstock, sluicegate, sluice valve, floodgate, water gate
     regulator consisting of a valve or gate that controls the rate of water flow through a sluice
03285912-n (2)
chiusa, recinto, recinzione, chiostra, rinchiuso
     a structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed for some purpose
05868477-n (13)
chiusa, termine, coda, conclusione, chiusura, fondo, fine, terminazione
     parte finale di qualcosa
chiusa, conclusione, chiusura
conclusion, ending, close, closing, end
     the last section of a communication
lock, lock chamber
     enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it
07291794-n (23)
chiusa, declinare, finale, conclusione, fine
end, last, final stage
     the concluding parts of an event or occurrence
04244379-n (1)
cateratta, chiusa, canale di chiusa, cataratta
sluice, sluiceway, penstock
     conduit that carries a rapid flow of water controlled by a sluicegate
15266911-n (31)
chiusa, finale, chiusura, fine
end, ending
     the point in time at which something ends


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