Results for « cepat » (ind)
00105603-r (27)
cepat, segera, taajul, sekejap mata
quickly, quick, promptly, soon
     with little or no delay
00555648-n (12)
kesibukan, tergesa-gesa, kegopohan, sifa tergopoh-gapah, cepat, berempuh-rempuhan, sibuk, sifat tergopoh-gapah, kejaran, terburu-buru
rush, haste, hurry, rushing
     the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner
01270486-a (6)
cekap, cepat, singkat, sekejap
quick, fast, flying
     hurried and brief
cepat, burung walet
western fence lizard, swift, blue-belly, Sceloporus occidentalis
     common western lizard; common western lizard; seen on logs or rocks ❲Sceloporus occidentalis❳
01334958-a (1)
cepat, cerdik, pintar, pandai
clever, apt
     mentally quick and resourceful
00979697-a (21)
pantas, pesat, cepat, tangkas
     done or occurring in a brief period of time
pantas, cepat
     an unexpected acceleration or hastening
00091311-a (7)
samapta, waspada, dengan berhati-hati, siaga, cepat, berwaspada
alert, watchful
     engaged in or accustomed to close observation
00874226-a (2)
lincah, Lincah, pantas, cepat, laju, bersemangat, cergas, kencang
brisk, alert, lively, zippy, merry, rattling, snappy, spanking
     quick and energetic
00976508-a (18)
pantas, cepat, laju, deras, tangkas
     acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly
02058994-v (48)
mrmburu-burukan, berlomba, tergesa-gesa, berlekas-lekasan, menyerbu ke, cepat, meluru, berlari, kesusu, lari, menggesa, berpacu, menghambur, kejar masa, terburu-buru, memburu-buru, berlumba
rush, race, speed, hasten, hotfoot, hie, pelt along, rush along, cannonball along, bucket along, belt along, step on it
     move fast
00032733-a (4)
lincah, pantas, giat, cepat, lajak, gesit, tangkas, gancang
quick, agile, nimble, spry
     moving quickly and lightly
05059132-n (2)
kepesatan, pantas, kecepatan, kesegeraan, cepat, ketangkasan, kepantasan, kederasan
celerity, rapidity, quickness, rapidness, speediness
     a rate that is rapid
02055649-v (33)
bergegas, cepat sedikit, mrmburu-burukan, bercepat-cepat, tergesa-gesa, berlalu, berlekas-lekasan, mendugas, cepat, berlari, laju sedikit
hurry, speed, zip, travel rapidly
     move very fast
00978754-a (1)
serta-merta, pantas, cepat, segera, tangkas
quick, immediate, prompt, straightaway
     performed with little or no delay
pantas, cepat, laju, ekspres
     without unnecessary stops
pantas, cepat, segera, terburu-buru
precipitous, hasty, overhasty, precipitate, precipitant
     done with very great haste and without due deliberation
mudah mengamuk, mudah berang, cepat, cepat berang, panas baran
choleric, irascible, hotheaded, hot-tempered, quick-tempered, short-tempered
     quickly aroused to anger
pantas, cepat, segera, lekas, tangkas
     marked by speed and efficiency
rancak, cepat, luwes, laju, banter, segera, kencang, seput
     [in music] at a rapid tempo
00979366-a (21)
quick, speedy
     accomplished rapidly and without delay
     (used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time
01335903-a (1)
serta-merta, pantas, cepat-cepat, cepat
quick, ready
     apprehending and responding with speed and sensitivity
isi, cepat, quick
     any area of the body that is highly sensitive to pain (as the flesh underneath the skin or a fingernail or toenail)
00979862-a (2)
pantas, pesat, cepat, laju, deras, tangkas
speedy, rapid
     characterized by speed; moving with or capable of moving with high speed
00459498-v (16)
bergegas, cepat sedikit, mrmburu-burukan, mencepatkan, tergesa-gesa, berlekas-lekasan, cepat, percepatkan, laju sedikit, sibuk, berkejar, menghambur, terburu-buru, mempercepat
hurry, hasten, rush, look sharp, festinate
     act or move at high speed; hurriedly ran
00459296-v (3)
bergegas, cepat sedikit, mrmburu-burukan, tergesa-gesa, berlekas-lekasan, cepat, laju sedikit, sibuk, menggesa, menghambur, terburu-buru, mempercepat
rush, hurry
     urge to an unnatural speed
05642175-n (2)
pantas, kecepatan, kesegeraan, cepat, kepantasan, kelincahan, mahir, kelancaran
quickness, adroitness, facility, adeptness, deftness
     skillful performance or ability without difficulty
pantas, cepat, tangkas
     ready and willing or quick to act
00086000-r (16)
dengan laju, pantas, dengan cepat, cepat, kuat, rapat, laju, erat, dengan deras, dengan pantas, lekas
     quickly or rapidly


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