Results for « campuran » (zsm)
14818238-n (1)
sebatian kimia, campuran
compound, chemical compound
     [in chemistry] a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight
07375405-n (2)
adunan, campuran, paduan
     an occurrence of thorough mixing
14586258-n (11)
     [in chemistry] a substance consisting of two or more substances mixed together (not in fixed proportions and not with chemical bonding)
00380083-n (4)
campuran, campurkan
mixing, mix, commixture, admixture, mixture, intermixture
     the act of mixing together
bastar, kacukan, tanaman kacukan, campuran, binatang kacukan, hibrid, hibrida
cross, hybrid, crossbreed
     [in genetics] an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species
07882497-n (3)
adunan, ubat, campuran, bancuhan, ramuan
mixture, intermixture, concoction
     any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients
13754293-n (56)
tambahan, penambahan, campuran, gandaan, kenaikan, jumlah, tambah
increase, gain, addition
     a quantity that is added
00380696-n (1)
adunan, campuran, pengadunan, pencampuran, campurkan, pemaduan
blending, blend
     the act of blending components together thoroughly
00363788-n (5)
tambahan, penambahan, campuran, pencampuran, penjumlahan, jumlah
     the act of adding one thing to another
02679415-n (5)
tambahan, campuran, bahan tambahan
addition, add-on, improver
     a component that is added to something to improve it
07374756-n (1)
campuran, campurkan, gabungan, bancuhan
mixture, mix
     an event that combines things in a mixture
admixture, intermixture
     an additional ingredient that is added by mixing with the base
08398773-n (26)
kepelbagaian, pelbagai, rampaian, beraneka jenis, kumpulan pelbagai, campuran, kumpulan beraneka, kumpulan bermacam-macam, kumpulan berbagai-bagai
variety, mixture, assortment, potpourri, motley, miscellany, smorgasbord, salmagundi, mixed bag, miscellanea
     a collection containing a variety of sorts of things
campuran, aloi
admixture, alloy
     the state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something
blend, portmanteau, portmanteau word
     a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings
07882886-n (3)
adunan, campuran
premix, mix
     a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients


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