Results for « brama » (ita)
07486628-n (9)
anelito, brama, bramosia, ansia, vagheggiamento
yearning, longing, hungriness
     prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
07484265-n (32)
desiderio, brama, bramosia, voglia, vaghezza
     il sentimento che si accompagna ad uno stato di insoddisfazione
abramide, brama, Abramis brama
European bream, Abramis brama
     European freshwater fish having a flattened body and silvery scales; European freshwater fish having a flattened body and silvery scales; of little value as food ❲Abramis brama❳
04945530-n (1)
ingordigia, esosità, cupidigia, brama
     excessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs or deserves
04836268-n (2)
ambizione, brama
ambition, ambitiousness
     a strong drive for success


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