Results for « bilangan » (ind)
13582013-n (63)
angka, nombor, bilangan
     a concept of quantity involving zero and units
perakaunan, bilangan yg tepat sudah disemak, bilangan, akaun, kira-kira
accounting, account, account statement
     a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance
00634586-n (6)
pembilangan, membilang, penting, penghitungan, mengira, pencacahan, menghitung, kira, bilangan, penghitungan n, kiraan
count, counting, tally, numeration, enumeration, reckoning
     the act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order
06807198-n (2)
angka, numeralia, angka-angka, nombor, bilangan
number, numeral
     a symbol used to represent a number
06425065-n (1)
angka, nombor, bilangan
number, identification number, No
     a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification
05096294-n (1)
baju, angka, nombor, bilangan
     a clothing measurement
angka, nombor, beberapa, bilangan, jumlah
     the grammatical category for the forms of nouns and pronouns and verbs that are used depending on the number of entities involved (singular or dual or plural)
kuantiti, bilangan, jumlah
     the concept that something has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable
06892016-n (10)
perbuatan, angka, lagu, nombor, lakonan, tindakan, sedikit, bilangan, persembahan
number, act, routine, turn, bit
     a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
05121418-n (132)
angka, nombor, bilangan, jumlah
number, figure
     the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals
06596978-n (5)
angka, nombor, terbitan, bilangan, keluaran
issue, number
     one of a series published periodically
13591761-n (4)
angka, bilangan, kiraan
     the total number counted


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