Results for « berpakaian » (zsm)
00046534-v (15)
mengenakan pakaian, memakaikan baju pd, memakai, berpakaian, menyarung, mengenakan baju, memakaikan baju
dress, get dressed
     put on clothes
00043683-v (2)
V1, V2
mengenakan pakaian, menghias diri, berpakaian, menyolek diri
dress, preen, primp, plume
     dress or groom with elaborate care
02386675-v (2)
memakaikan, memakai, menyemarakkan, berpakaian, hiasi
clothe, adorn, invest
     furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors
00044797-v (2)
mengenakan pakaian, berpakaian
dress, dress up
     dress in a certain manner
01695505-a (5)
draped, wrapped, clothed, cloaked, mantled, thrown
     covered with or as if with clothes or a wrap or cloak
00453726-a (5)
clad, clothed
     wearing or provided with clothing
00044149-v (8)
berhias, berpakaian, bangun
dress up, get up, deck out, trick out, overdress, fig out, fig up, deck up, gussy up, fancy up, trick up, prink, attire, rig out, tog up, tog out
     put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive
00052374-v (91)
memakai, berpakaian
wear, have on
     be dressed in


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