Results for « balzo » (ita)
jump, leap
     a sudden and decisive increase
09246464-n (3)
balzo, falesa, ripa, rupe, falesia, roccia
cliff, drop, drop-off
     a steep high face of rock
05110185-n (4)
balzo, aumento, impennata
raise, rise, hike, wage hike, wage increase, salary increase
     the amount a salary is increased
00120202-n (8)
balzo, volo, slancio, salto, guizzo
leap, leaping, spring, bounce, saltation, bound
     a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards
07358985-n (2)
balzo, salto
leap, jump, saltation
     an abrupt transition
07350401-n (2)
bouncing, bounce
     rebounding from an impact (or series of impacts)
09259025-n (1)
balza, balzo, rupe
     a steep rugged rock or cliff


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