Results for « arahan » (ind)
urutan, pengaturan, aturan, susunan, arahan, tertib, perintah
order, monastic order
     a group of person living under a religious rule
07169242-n (3)
janji, arahan, perkataan, kata, perintah, kata-kata, istilah
     a verbal command for action
arahan, perintah, orders
charge, commission, direction
     a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something
aturan, susunan, arahan, tertib, perintah
     [in architecture] one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romans
06539770-n (9)
fiat, arahan, perintah, dekri, titah, dekret
decree, fiat, order, rescript, edict
     [in law] a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)
00199114-a (1)
menjadi panduan, arahan, mengarah, menjadi pedoman
directing, directional, directive, guiding
     showing the way by conducting or leading; imposing direction on
07170080-n (1)
     a pronouncement encouraging or banning some activity
06652878-n (1)
arahan, perintah
order, rules of order, parliamentary law, parliamentary procedure
     a body of rules followed by an assembly
suruhan, arahan, semak, perintah, kawalan
instruction, command, statement, program line
     [in computer_science] a line of code written as part of a computer program
05091316-n (13)
aturan, susunan, arahan, tertib, perintah
order, order of magnitude
     a degree in a continuum of size or quantity
05848541-n (1)
arahan, panduan
guidepost, guideline, rule of thumb
     a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior
01133281-n (22)
pengurusan, arahan, kelolaan, pentadbiran
management, direction
     the act of managing something
aturan, susunan, arahan, tertib, perintah
     [in biology] taxonomic group containing one or more families
07168623-n (26)
aturan, susunan, arahan, pesanan, tertib, perintah
     [in military] a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed
08456993-n (10)
urutan, pengaturan, aturan, susunan, arahan, tertib, perintah, order
order, ordering, ordination
     logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements
arahan, perintah, peringatan
     a formal command or admonition
06529219-n (2)
aturan, susunan, arahan, pesanan, tertib, perintah
order, purchase order
     a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities
13968547-n (7)
aturan, orde, susunan, arahan, tertib, kelas, perintah, tatanan, kebiasaan yang dibakukan, golongan
     established customary state (especially of society)
06786629-n (13)
nasihat, suruhan, penjelasan, arahan, saranan
instruction, direction
     a message describing how something is to be done
summons, bidding
     a request to be present
01009871-n (3)
urutan, pengaturan, aturan, keteraturan, susunan, arahan, tertib, perintah
ordering, order
     the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement


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