Results for « aliran » (zsm)
00329227-n (8)
pergerakan, pengaliran, alir, arus, aliran
flow, stream
     the act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression
08459648-n (2)
rentetan, gerabak kereta api, deret, untaian, kereta api, siri, rangkaian, bertimpa-timpa, aliran, turutan
string, train
     a sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding
09443453-n (3)
pancutan, aliran keluar, limpahan, aliran air, sumber ait, aliran
spring, outpouring, fountain, outflow, natural spring
     a natural flow of ground water
06197664-n (1)
pergerakan yg diatur, kecenderungan, aliran, pergerakan yang diatur
trend, movement, drift
     a general tendency to change (as of opinion)
08377085-n (22)
kursus, perjalanan, peredaran, aliran peristiwa, putaran, arus, aliran, pelajaran
course, line
     a connected series of events or actions or developments
08461595-n (6)
curahan, kini, sehari-hari, alir, aliran peristiwa, arus, aliran
stream, flow, current
     dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas
07405893-n (19)
flow, flowing
     the motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases)
07406765-n (8)
kini, pergerakan, sehari-hari, arus, aliran
current, stream
     a steady flow of a fluid (usually from natural causes)
13482330-n (3)
curahan, alir, aliran
     any uninterrupted stream or discharge
14005892-n (3)
jaluran, arus, aliran, lelehan
stream, flow
     something that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously
05750163-n (4)
stail, popular, sst yg sangat popular, trend, kesukaan ramai, cara, fesyen, aliran, tempo
style, vogue, trend
     the popular taste at a given time
07444495-n (1)
arus, aliran
     something that may increase or decrease (like the tides of the sea)
08275185-n (4)
mazhab, aliran, sekolah
     a body of creative artists or writers or thinkers linked by a similar style or by similar teachers
09387222-n (11)
kursus, jalur, arah, perjalanan, aliran peristiwa, aliran
track, course, path
     a line or route along which something travels or moves
08681777-n (18)
arah aliran, trend, cenderung, kecenderungan, hala, aliran
trend, tendency
     a general direction in which something tends to move
11443532-n (15)
listrik, arus elektrik, arus, aliran
current, electric current
     a flow of electricity through a conductor
05945642-n (33)
sentimen, kepercayaan, pertimbangan, pendapat, penilaian, fikiran, idea, pandangan, aliran, angan, fahaman, pemandangan
opinion, view, sentiment, thought, persuasion
     a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty
08681222-n (12)
kursus, perjalanan, peredaran, haluan, aliran peristiwa, putaran, arus, aliran, pelajaran
course, trend
     general line of orientation
09411430-n (55)
sungai, sungai-sungai, aliran, river
     a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek)


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