Results for « akhir » (zsm)
08565894-n (2)
had, takat, penamat, akhir, akhir hayat, hujung, selesai, ujung, kematian, penghujung
     a boundary marking the extremities of something
15268367-n (2)
tail, fag end, tail end
     the time of the last part of something
05868477-n (13)
akhir, akhir hayat, hujung, selesai, kematian
     a final part or section
15268682-n (5)
tamat tempoh, akhir, akhir jangka waktu yg ditetapkan, tarikh tamat, habis tempoh, pemberhentian
termination, expiration, expiry
     a coming to an end of a contract period
14562960-n (7)
akhir, akhir hayat, kemusnahan, kebinasaan, kehancuran, pembasmian, kematian, pemusnahan, pembinasaan
end, death, destruction
     a final state
07291794-n (23)
penutupan, penamat, akhir, akhir hayat, kematian, tamat, pengakhiran, penghujung, kesudahan
end, last, final stage
     the concluding parts of an event or occurrence
01013279-a (45)
akhir, penghabisan, lalu, corot, hujung sekali, paling hujung, terkebelakang, terakhir
     coming after all others in time or space or degree or being the only one remaining
15266911-n (31)
akhir, akhir hayat, hujung, tamatkan, kematian, tamat, penghujung, kesudahan
end, ending
     the point in time at which something ends
08566707-n (5)
akhir, hujung, selesai
     the surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object
15267536-n (13)
penutupan, berakhir, akhir, kesimpulan, penutup, menamatkan, pemberhentian
close, last, conclusion, stopping point, finish, finale, finis
     the temporal end; the concluding time
02425913-v (13)
berakhir, akhir, tutup, tamat, menutupkan, menyelesaikan, ditutup, menamatkan
     finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.)
00819235-a (1)
lewat, kemudian, akhir, larut
late, later
     at or toward an end or late period or stage of development
00349894-a (3)
muktamad, akhir, terakhir
final, last
     not to be altered or undone
05980875-n (56)
akhir, akhirkan, keakhiran, matlamat
goal, end
     the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it
08566028-n (35)
akhir, akhir hayat, hujung, selesai, kematian
end, terminal
     either extremity of something that has length
01010271-a (59)
penamat, akhir, penghabisan, tamat, penghujung, terakhir
final, last, concluding, terminal
     occurring at or forming an end or termination
01579128-a (24)
muktamad, yg bongsu, terbaru, yang bongsu, yang akhir, akhir, yg akhir, lalu, terakhir
final, last, net
     conclusive in a process or progression


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