03391770-n 'a structure supporting or containing something';
Czech rám
Chinese (simplified) 架构 , 构架 , 结构 , 骨架 , 框架 , 支架 , 体制
Inggeris framework
Bahasa Indonesia kerangka , rangka , rangka kerja
Italian telaio , edificio , struttura , montatura , riquadro , ossatura , infrastruttura
Japanese 枠組み , 躯体 , 屋台骨 , 枠組 , 骨格 , フレームワーク , 骨組 , 骨骼 , , 骨組み , フレイム , フレーム
Bahasa Malaysia kerangka , rangka , rangka kerja
a structure supporting or containing something
Hyponym: tenter deckle doorframe gantry cornice walker clotheshorse honeycomb fender ribbing truss wattle airframe walker sash picture_frame grate grill casing frame frame gun_carriage sawhorse window bustle derrick tambour climbing_frame lattice stocks oxbow arbor stretcher mounting window_frame rack hayrack undercarriage coaming handbarrow stocks
Hypernym: supporting_structure
Meronym–Part: backing brace
Semantic Field: artifactn
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Seen Lemmas: backtalk;
(0.02325 seconds)
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>