01612053-a 'dutifully complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority';
Czech poslušný
Chinese (simplified) 顺从+的 , 顺从 , 驯服 , 驯服+的 , 服从 , 服从+的 , , 孝顺
Inggeris obedient 3 ( )
Bahasa Indonesia patuh , mengikut kata , taat , menurut kata
Italian disciplinato , ubbidiente , obbediente
Japanese 素直 , 従順
Bahasa Malaysia patuh , mengikut kata , taat , menurut kata
dutifully complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority
an obedient soldier; obedient children; a little man obedient to his wife; the obedient colonies...are heavily taxed; the refractory remain unburdened- Edmund Burke
従順な兵士; 素直な子供たち; 彼の妻に従う普通の人; 従順な植民地は、…税金をごっそり取られる;強固さは未だ失われていない−エドマンド・バーク
See also: submissive docile good manageable compliant tractable
Attributes: obedience
Similar to: conformable acquiescent y2k_compliant dutiful 70100055-a
Antonym: disobedient
Semantic Field: alla
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