01577093-v 'immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate'; V2; 
Czech máčet , omočit , namočit , nořit , močit
Chinese (simplified) , , 下降
Inggeris dip 2 ( ) , dunk 1 ( ) , douse ( ) , souse ( ) , plunge ( )
Bahasa Indonesia menenggelamkan , celup , membenamkan , merendam , mencelup , mencelupkan , menyirami
Italian intingere , tuffare , inumidire , immergere , bagnare , inzuppare
Japanese 浸ける , 浸す , 濡らす
Bahasa Malaysia menenggelamkan , celup , membenamkan , merendam , mencelup , mencelupkan
immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate
dip the garment into the cleaning solution; dip the brush into the paint
衣類を洗浄液に浸す; ブラシをペンキに浸す
Hyponym: dip dabble sop
Hypernym: immerse
Semantic Field: contactv
Verb Frames
Somebody ----s something;   Somebody ----s something PP;  
External Links


Seen Lemmas: saraf tunjang; black elder; dissomigliante; fioritura; ferial;
(0.02251 seconds)
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>