00690058-a 'having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center';
Chinese (simplified) 向下延伸+的 , , 深+的 , 向下延伸 , 深入 , 深入+的 , 深层 , 向下 延伸
Inggeris deep 11 ( )
Bahasa Indonesia jeluk , dalam
Italian profondo
Japanese 奥ぶかい , 奥ふかい , 奥行きのある , 深い , 奥深い
Bahasa Malaysia jeluk , dalam , mendalam
having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center
a deep well; surrounded by a deep yard; hit the ball to deep center field; in deep space; waist-deep; a deep dive; deep water; a deep casserole; a deep gash
深い井戸;深い庭に囲まれた;センター深くにボールを打った;深淵空間で;腰までの深さの; 深い飛び込み; 深層水; 深いキャセロール; 深い切傷
See also: unfathomable
Attributes: depth
Similar to: walk-in deep-water abysmal profound bottomless
Antonym: shallow
Semantic Field: alla
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