Results for « kedegilan » (zsm)
04908835-n (1)
kedegilan, ketegaran
stubbornness, obstinacy, obstinance, mulishness
     the trait of being difficult to handle or overcome
04863497-n (1)
sifat keras kepala, kedegilan, ketegaran, sifat enggan berkompromi
intransigence, intransigency
     the trait of being intransigent; stubbornly refusing to compromise
sifat keras kepala, kedegilan
refractoriness, unmanageableness, recalcitrance, recalcitrancy
     the trait of being unmanageable
04863074-n (2)
kedegilan, ketegaran
self-will, stubbornness, bullheadedness, obstinacy, obstinance, pigheadedness
     resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires
sifat keras kepala, sifat sukar dipengaruhi, kedegilan
intractability, intractableness
     the trait of being hard to influence or control


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