09484664-n 'an imaginary being of myth or fable';
Czech mýtická bytost
Chinese (simplified) 神话 故事 中 的 人物 , 神话故事中的人物
英語 mythical being
Indonesian mahluk dongeng
an imaginary being of myth or fable
Hyponym: mythical_monster halcyon hero houri golem gog_and_magog amazon phoenix fenghuang (chinese phoenix)
Hypernym: imaginary_being
Instance: hyperborean alcyone procrustes augeas wayland hero yggdrasil bellerophon medea leander sigurd atreus eurydice orpheus laocoon sisyphus daedalus tantalus patroclus psyche achilles menelaus helen ymir clytemnestra ulysses creon peleus sita oedipus stentor theseus pandora aegisthus priam cassiopeia aeneas laertes gilgamish sarpedon orion paris valkyrie galatea siegfried jason antigone perseus arjuna icarus fenrir enkidu odysseus ganymede niobe pygmalion penelope volund ajax andromeda leda orestes hector narcissus midas myrmidon electra laius jocasta dardanus agamemnon tiresias cepheus remus iphigenia nibelung romulus scylla hercules pegasus
Semantic Field: personn
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