00427580-n 'a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement';
Czech recese , sranda , šprým , špás
Chinese (simplified) 戏谑 , 玩笑 , 恶作剧 , 滑稽动作 , 滑稽 动作
英語 trick 1 ( ) , joke 1 ( ) , antic ( ) , prank ( ) , caper , put-on
Indonesian telatah , helah , usikan , tipu helah , muslihat , perangai , kepandaian , mempermainkan , gelagat , bergurau , tipu
Italian canzonatura , bricconaggine , birbonata , baia , bricconeria , bricconata , scherzo , corbellatura , sbarazzinata , uccellatura , buffoneria , birichinata , birichineria , ragazzata , monelleria , birbonaggine , mascalzonata , burletta , gabbo , burla , marachella , buffonata , battuta
日本語 てんごう , 悪戯 , 悪ふざけ , てんご , ふざけ , いたずら , 巫山戯 , 悪巫山戯
Malaysian telatah , helah , usikan , tipu helah , muslihat , perangai , kepandaian , mempermainkan , gelagat , bergurau , tipu
a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
楽しみや気晴らしのために行うばかげた、または突飛な行動 (takkur)
Hyponym: practical_joke dirty_trick
Hypernym: diversion
Semantic Field: actn
External Links


Seen Lemmas: resonance;
(0.02100 seconds)
More detail about the NTUMC+ Open Multilingual Wordnet (0.9)
This project is now integrated in the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet (0.9)
Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>