80001593-v 'when many people say and repeat the same thing, however absurd or unfounded, it would be mistakenly accepted to be true [Lit: when three people speak of a non-existent tiger, it becomes real] (wangwenjie)';
Chinese (simplified) 三人成虎
Chinese (simplified)
谣言、谎言或假信息,被多人说了后,那无论多荒谬都可能被别人相信,被当作是事实 (三个人谎报有老虎,人们都会相信) (wangwenjie)
when many people say and repeat the same thing, however absurd or unfounded, it would be mistakenly accepted to be true [Lit: when three people speak of a non-existent tiger, it becomes real] (wangwenjie)
Domain–Usage: Chinese four-character idiom
Semantic Field: unknown
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