11562747-n 'family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination';
Czech čeleď dvouděložných rostlin
Chinese (simplified) 双子叶 植物 科 , 双子叶 科 植物 , 双子叶科植物 , 双子叶植物科
English dicot family , magnoliopsid family
family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination
Hyponym: thymelaeaceae rhizophoraceae elaeagnaceae asclepiadaceae myrsinaceae cannabidaceae cucurbitaceae anacardiaceae dilleniid_dicot_family nyssaceae rafflesiaceae amygdalaceae saururaceae linaceae aquifoliaceae sapotaceae nepenthaceae asterid_dicot_family magnoliid_dicot_family celastraceae oleaceae proteaceae hamamelid_dicot_family moraceae vitaceae juglandaceae casuarinaceae urticaceae roridulaceae myrtaceae salvadoraceae plumbaginaceae chloranthaceae punicaceae combretaceae goodeniaceae caryophylloid_dicot_family rosid_dicot_family haloragidaceae myricaceae loganiaceae rhamnaceae trapaceae convolvulaceae staphylaceae empetraceae sarraceniaceae droseraceae aceraceae menyanthaceae plantaginaceae gentianaceae cecropiaceae aristolochiaceae piperaceae hydnoraceae orobanchaceae sapindaceae hippocastanaceae ebenaceae leitneriaceae polygonaceae ulmaceae buxaceae symplocaceae lythraceae styracaceae lecythidaceae theophrastaceae primulaceae lobeliaceae apocynaceae
Hypernym: family
Holonym–Member: dicotyledones
Semantic Field: plantn
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