10016103-n 'someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another';
Czech učedník , žák , následovatel , následovník
Chinese (simplified) 弟子 , 门徒 , 使徒 , 信徒
English adherent 3 ( ) , disciple 1 ( )
Indonesian keduabelas rasul , penganut , penyokong , pengikut
Italian discepolo , seguace , aderente , adepto , apostolo , sostenitore , affiliato , scolaro
Japanese 信奉者 , 徒弟 , 使徒 , 門徒 , 門弟子 , 小子 , 弟子 , 門下生 , 門生 , 門人 , 門弟 , 弟弟子 , 弟々子
Malaysian hawari , penganut , penyokong , pengikut
someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another
Hyponym: votary socinian trinitarian lamaist manichaean unitarian aristotelian clericalist mahdist sikh hinayanist totalitarian zen_buddhist ismaili neoplatonist tantrist jainist monophysite donatist zoroastrian mithraist amoralist absolutist arminian dualist antinomian shintoist lutheran animist apostle rastafarian hussite druze satanist taoist mahayanist bahai
Hypernym: follower
Instance: baruch
Semantic Field: personn
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>