02238462-a 'having or caused by an irregular surface';
Czech hrubý , drsný
Chinese (simplified) 不光滑+的 , 粗糙+的 , 粗糙 , 不光滑 , 表面 不平 , 表面不平 , 表面不平+的
English rough 13 ( ) , unsmooth
Indonesian kasap , kasar , gerutu , gerepes , gabas , kesat , garau
Italian ruvido
Japanese 凸凹 , ざらざら , いかつい , 粗い , 荒い , ごっつい , ごつい
Malaysian kasap , kasar , gerutu , gerepes , lekuk-lekak , gabas , lekak-lekuk , garau
粗皮病がある木; でこぼこの地面; きめの粗い肌; ラフな毛布; 彼の滑らかでない顔
having or caused by an irregular surface
trees with rough bark; rough ground; rough skin; rough blankets; his unsmooth face
See also: unironed nonslippery coarse irregular uneven unpolished
Similar to: roughish rock-ribbed lepidote squamulose alligatored sandpapery gravelly shagged rugose barky chapped imbricate costate abrasive scabby corded pocked bumpy cragged rocky saw-like broken verrucose homespun textured lined bullate crushed
Antonym: smooth
Semantic Field: alla
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